Visa Interchange Rates
The Visa Card-Network
Visa is one of the most commonly held and accepted credit cards in the US, Canada and the world. By accepting Visa, your customers can pay in-person, by phone and online. We’ve made it easy and affordable for you to accept Visa cards so you can offer your customers a fast, reliable and secure method of payment. Our cost-plus pricing helps you save.
What is the Visa Interchange?
Interchange is the fee collected by your customer’s credit card bank (the Visa card-issuer) on every transaction. These rates are set by Visa every year and apply to all processors. In other words, this is the true cost that the processor has to pay on every transaction.
The interchange rates are part of our Cost+ pricing program. The Interchange Rate is the cost we have to pay to your Visa Card issuer for every transaction you make with us. Our Cost Plus pricing model means that we apply a standard small percentage markup (our profit) on top of that fee.
The tables below provide a breakdown of the current Visa interchange rates.
Current Visa USA Interchange Rates
Card Type
Interchange Rate
Debit Card-Present
Visa Debit CPS
0.800 % + 15¢
Visa Debit Keyed CPS Regulated
0.050 % + 22¢
Visa Debit Keyed Prepaid
1.150 % + 15¢
Visa Debit Business
1.700 % + 15¢
Visa Debit Business Regulated
0.050 % + 22¢
Debit Keyed
Visa Debit CPS
1.650 % + 15¢
Visa Debit Keyed CPS Regulated
0.050 % + 22¢
Visa Debit Keyed Prepaid
1.750 % + 20¢
Visa Debit Keyed Business
2.450 % + 10¢
Visa Debit Keyed Business Regulated
0.050 % + 22¢
Credit Card Present
Visa CPS Retail
1.510 % + 10¢
Visa Rewards Traditional
1.650 % + 10¢
Visa Rewards Signature
2.300 % + 10¢
Visa Rewards Signature Preferred
2.100 % + 10¢
Visa Corporate
2.500 % + 10¢
Visa Business
2.200 % + 10¢
Visa Purchasing
2.500 % + 10¢
Credit Keyed
Visa Keyed CPS Retail
1.800 % + 10¢
Visa Keyed Rewards Traditional
1.950 % + 10¢
Visa Keyed Rewards Signature
2.700 % + 10¢
Visa Keyed Rewards Signature Preferred
2.400 % + 10¢
Visa Keyed Corporate
2.700 % + 10¢
Visa is Keyed Business
2.250 % + 20¢
Visa Keyed Purchasing
2.700 % + 10¢
Visa International
1.100 %
Visa International Premium
1.800 %
Visa International Corporate
2.000 %
Visa International Keyed
1.600 %
Level 2 Data
Corporate & Purchasing
2.050 % + 10¢
Business Card (Tier 1)
2.050 % + 10¢
Business Card (Tier 2)
2.050 % + 10¢
Business Card (Tier 3)
2.050 % + 10¢
Business Card (Tier 4)
2.200 % + 10¢
Level 3 Data
Corporate & Purchasing
1.900 % + 10¢
Large Ticket – Corporate & Purchasing $8,725+
1.450% + $35
Large Ticket – Government $5,984+)
1.200% + $39
Assessments and Association Fees
Visa Card-Brand
0.1400 %
Visa NAPF (Network Acquirer Processing Fee) – Credit
Visa NAPF (Network Acquirer Processing Fee) – Debit
Visa Clearing Access
Visa International Cross-Border
1.0000 %
Visa Intl Acquirer Service Fee
Visa Intl Acquirer Processing Fee – Credit
Visa Intl Acquirer Processing Fee – Debit
Visa FANF (Fixed Acquirer Network Fee)
Visa FANF – Card-Present Per Location
Visa FANF – Keyed Volume $1,000 – $3,999
Visa FANF – Keyed Volume $4,000 – $7,999
Visa FANF – Keyed Volume $8,000 – $39,999
Visa FANF – Keyed Volume $40,000 – $199,999
*The rates above are the most common interchange rates. For a complete list of US interchange rates, visit the Visa website below:
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